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VSE TUNING UPGRADE | 2020-2022 3.0L LM2 Duramax Pickup (Non-Refresh Models)

$135.00 - $629.10
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2020-2022 LM2 Tuning is FINALLY here  !

!!!!Before reading any further - if you have a refresh model (new interior or LZ0 based platform you are on the wrong sku)!!!!


Increase power output from 0-50RWHP on your 2020-2022 LM2 (non Refresh)  Sierra / Silverado  with the usage of our proprietary custom tuning solutions tuning solutions.

This is a long LONG time coming! GM Sierra and Silverado owners 2020-2022 (non interior refresh) equipped with the GM LM2 Duramax 3.0L engines are now availble for power uprating! These trucks are equipped with the GM E46 ECM and GM T93 TCM. To tune either of these controllers we have to unlock the security from them. Once this is completed, they are ready for custom tuning.


What the user will see as a result of our calibrations are:

  •  Increased throttle responsiveness (reduced or eliminated deadpedal)
  •  Increased torque in all power levels which allow TCM to command the next higher gear (fuel savings)
  •  Increased fuel economy (average increase depends on driver habbits)
  •  Quicker transient response times to degraded air/fuel conditions
  •  Enhanced and more conservative engine backdowns from sustained high EGT conditions
  •  Enhanced and more conservative timing control during high load conditions (towing)
  •  Removal of the top speed limiter
  •  Overall better drivability and end user experience

Selectable Power Levels :

+20HP +45 FT/LBS ~ Optimized Stock/Tow tune

  • This tune represents the maximum possible fuel economy under all driving scenerios with. With over 130 calibration changes involved the refinements to the factory calibration data will extend time to regeneration of the DPF, and increase responsiveness of the truck with a slight increase in total power output while maintaining OEM DEF consumption.

+30HP +70 FT/LBS ~ Daily Driver/Sreet tune

  • This tune represents the maximum possibe power output availible during MAXIMUM GVWR towing scenerios. All factory backdowns and derates are utililized to keep the truck in its safe zone for heat rejection. With over 260 calibration changes involved the refinements to the factory calibration data, and increase responsiveness of the truck via removal of the dead pedal feel while keeping the truck at better than OEM level fuel economy.

+50HP +110 FT/LBS Max Effort  !! (Aftermarket Cold air intake required) !!

  • This tune represents the maximum possibe power output availible with the factory turbo charger and air intake system. All factory backdowns and derates are utililized to keep the truck in its safe zone for heat rejection. With over 311 calibration changes involved the refinements to the factory calibration data this will increase responsiveness of the truck via removal of the dead pedal feel. Even though the truck will back itself down once heat rejection reaches a maximum it is not advisable to tow with this calibration file loaded. Aftermarket intake (S&B) is required to safely push these trucks over 60HP due to the restriction the factory intake presents. 

LM2 Transmission Tuning (T93) :

Take advantage of the best tuning offered on the 20-23 T93 TCMs to ever be offered! - We can say that because we actually test!

The factory TCM tuning from GM in the T93 leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to proper shift control and torque converter lockup (TCC –L/U). The programming, combined with a weak 7/8/9/10 clutch pack and overdrive drum arrangement leave this transmission vulnerable during loaded scenarios and when power had been increased. Factory 10 speed trucks under full throttle from a stop shift in the order of 1/2/3/4/5th - TCC lockup/6th TCC lockup/7th TCC lockup/8th TCC lockup/9th TCC lockup/10th TCC lockup. This shift pattern arrangement makes for an uncomfortable pattern and shift control. The constant downshifting 10-7 under load results in excessive clutch pack and engagement wear due to all the shuttle shifting.

Additionally towing in the mountains or at grade GM has conventionally used a poor TCC and downshift scheduling. We find many users including ourselves have needed to place the truck in manual mode to be able to control engine braking speeds and make the ride more enjoyable when loads are approaching max GVWR.

Furthermore the factory 10 speed operates with partial EEMC (partial lockup) of the TCC clutch nearly all the time. This is used by GM to make on and off throttle transitions more comfortable. We have found, after testing that we will be removing most of this partial EECM anytime the truck is under load to keep TCC slip down and efficiency up. There are no downsides to this. In fact most of the Transmission failures we have seen have been from torque converter failure.

TCM tuning should be paired with the same tune file writer as the ECM tuner. In similar fashion to the way GM would have done this the ECM and TCM work together, its important for the tune file on the TCM side to have similar torque model inputs as the ECM side.

What the user will see as a result of our TCM calibrations are:

  •  First, we are removing most of the partial EEMC for torque converter lockup as described above for efficiency reasons and reliability of the TCC. 
  •  Second, In normal drive mode we are skip shifting the truck through gears 1-7 to maximise acceleration rate and minimize usage of unnecessary clutch packs in similar fashion to our 10 speed Ford tuning. We are keeping the TCC locked during gear changes under full throttle to maximixe TCC efficiency, and minimize converter heat buildup.
  •  Third, In TOW/HAUL we are improving the downshift times under load, to maximize exhaust breaking efficiency, and holding the transition into 9/10 out longer to prevent the TCM from shift hunting. Once the transmission gets into 10th gear we will be commanding more time vs. torque to allow the motor to load against the gear to minimize unnecessary downshifting (think going over small overpasses with a trailer on).
  •  Fourth, We will be raising line pressure in the areas needed (high load low RPM) and leveraging the torque based shift control to raise line pressure as the commanded torque model increases. The eliminates over pressurizing the valve body and only commanding the line pressure that is actually required. TCM Tuning on modern controllers is much more than just "raising line pressure"
  •  Fifth, we are reducing the shift timing (transient shift time) during gear changes 1-7. This will keep the truck from siting over 4100RPM while waiting for the next gear change to occur. This is critical for keeping the engine in its power band during full throttle operation


What the user will see as a result of TCM tuning

  • Increased transmission line pressure for holding more HP and torque
  • Improved shift timing
  • Re-designed torque converter lock-up strategy
  • Allows power transfer from the engine to the wheels more directly
  • Allows transmission to handle the larger earler torque curve that can be delivered by the LM2

What is required for ECM tuning ?

  •  ECM unlock through us – ECM get sent off to HP Tuners for unlocking (this is required)
  •  HP Tuners MVPI3
  •  6 License credits
  •  Tune file purchase

What is required for TCM tuning?

  •  TCM unlock through us (we stock the TCMs)
  •  HP Tuners MVPI3
  •  4 License credits
  •  Tune file purchase


!!This calibration package can only be installed using the HP Tuners MVPI3+!! As such the end user MUST have either an unlocked/upgraded ECM (E46) from HP tuners or from VSE directly and also MUST either purchase licensing credits and  MVPI3 already have them in their possession.


Core ECMs and TCMs shall be returned to VSE in less than 30 days of the shipment date or will subject to refusal.

Return Address:
Vin Specific Enterprises
15215 Harvest Lane
Suite 4
Bennington, NE 68007