phone: 833-789-7700

Mon-Fri 8 AM-6 PM CST

VSE Tuning Modification Add On

$109.50 - $292.00
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Already tuned with us but have modified your truck?


These options are used for customers who have already purchased full tuning from us

File Modifications:

  • Rumble / Hiss idle changes
  • High Idle add on
  • Multiple tire size files

Performance Modifications:

  •  Swapped turbo chargers, changed to a fixed vane turbo, compond or tripple turbos
  •  Installed aftermarket (larger) or non OEM injectors
  •  Built transmissions
  •  Stroker CP3/CP4 or compound injection pumps
  •  Added a lift pump requiring code removals
  • Added Water/methanol injection
  •  Added Nitrous
  •  Added aftermarket Y bridge or grid heater removal

What you will get for the modification fee:

A custom tune build specifically for your modifications with as many revisions and datalogging sessions as it takes to make it perfect. Diagnosicts and expert technical support as well as help picking the right modification based on years or experience in buildout of nearly any modification package you can think of.


Why trust VSE for your tuning and part needs?

Probably the single most important question to ask and have be answered is "Have you actually tuned this vehicle/parts combination???" Our answer is: With over 15 year of calibration and engineering experiance our staff WILL NOT build or design a calibration to meet your vehicle needs unless we have owned or own the vehicle and have experience with the exact parts combination or vehicle we are being asked to tune. We are better because:

  • We have a full service shop that gets to actually lay hands on and understand the impact of driving these vehicles
  • We dissasymble and analaze powertrains that have had years of use with our calibrations onboard to study the benifits and impacts of our processes. 
  • We have over 20 years of experience of testing, designing and modifying components to survive the test of time
  • We actually care about future progression of not only this industry and the customer/business we may be serving
  • We own and operate a full emissions test facility that incorporates the most recent changes to Teir 4 diesel emissions.